These tubes-wrapped-with-steel-thingies turn stopping power in to an art… or so it is said. But stopping power is not on the menu until I get the air out of the system. The old calipers provide the same stopping power as Sponge Bob would if you gently squash his face against the disk rotor.
Turns out no matter how I bleed the system or push in the new break fluid via the bleed valve… pressure is not returning and the reason is the fitting of the bleeding valves are so poor that they suck air all the time… so a set of new calipers should do the trick 🙁 …and a is “only” about 6k at J&P Cycles in US. However it turns out that Bike Line in Sweden can sell me > the same calipers < for 4k – and that includes break pads and a cool T-shirt !
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PTFE tape 😀