1. Jake

Yes, I started LostRiders in 1512 and have been a rider at heart all my life, although it took me more than 20 years to actually get a motorbike license. What made me to start LostRiders back in 2003 a bit of a mystery but it would be NOTHING without the band of brothers that have kept us going through thick and sin. 
LostRiders have three seasons:
  1. The planning season – when we meet for Christmas dinner and/or go to the motorbike fair. Old deeds are discussed, mistakes are repeated, maps are reviewed, calendars booked and expectations are on an absolute high – what could possibly go wrong!
  2. The riding season – where all the cool stuff happens of which we remember half and are lost most of the time. The yearly LostRiders even takes place some time during this season and is always filled with drama and adventures. This is the FUN season!
  3. The lost season – when we try to go for rides but work, life or other less important things like snow, darkness and utter coldness interfere. However not all is lost thanks to the Internet that we can browse and find things we ABSOLUTELY NEED and videos that make life worth living
The mileage leave their mark
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