Old banger

There is something about an old exhaust in the fact that it has seen a lot of road and will now rest on the shelf before returning to action just in time for the bi-yearly government inspection. I had my heart set on a 2 in 1 system and living in V&H-country the choices were limited and fairly easy were it not for the price tag. Dang!

V&H would make a big dent in my savings, a bit too big I thought and searched the web for more reasonable offers. This led me in to other brands and for quite a while I was set on a Cobra system that looked really butch. However there were issues with availability and I could not determine if it would fit on my 2011 Street Glide.

So then turning to #reinhart racing exhaust system where they had a 2 in 1 simply named “Pro”. Again the websites were not completely clear if the system would fit my bike so I contacted Reinhart in the Netherlands. They returned promptly saying that the Pro system is no longer in production and good bye. A very strange way to handle a potential customer !!!

So eventually I found a Swedish website that had 4 Pro systems in stock and their website confirmed that the system would be an exact fit to my ride. AWESOME!! So I ordered it and just a few days later it arrived to the local post office. Happy days!


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