Last cut

Eventually I lost my temper with the stupid turbulence around my helmet and decided to cut down the fairing all around “Ragnar” . Did so and went for a test spin only to discover that I still felt like a bobble-head in speeds over 90 km/h. It is clear that I have absolutely ZERO natural talent for aerodynamics. Unfortunately I destroyed “Ragnar” in the process so now I have to try to recreate him on the NEW Klock Werks fairing I ordered from US (together with some other biker necessities). Delivery expected in 2 weeks or so.

The new fairing is black, so instead of painting “Ragnar” on the inside I have to attempt the same cool effects in reverse order… and since I score below average on IQ test the chanse of me getting that right is less than slim.

Fear is not enough
Fear is not enough


Slow down, capture the moment. The whole thing about riding motorbikes is to enjoy the moment, chill out, enjoy with friends, see nice things and have fun. Be good, do good and good things will come to you.

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